winner picture
VR Class image
VR Class image
VR Class image
VR Class image
VR Class Mars
VR Class image
VR Class image

Evity (VR Class)

Evity is a virtual reality application for the HTC Vive developed by my classmates and me. The program is a multiplayer application where the teacher, who is situated in VR together with his/her class, can elaborate on subject matter based on models in the game environment.

In 2018/19 our team built a VR mockup focussing on the solar system, which we submitted to the Jugend Innovativ award. There we won the 2. place throughout Austria in the category Digital Education (2019).

One of my areas of responsibility was to define the concept, of how text is displayed in the Virtual Reality environment. After a lot of research on text projection and font readability in VR, I came up with the idea that the text should be bound to the users' movement, rather than to the environment around. I built a prototype of an info field, next to the left game controller of the player, and began with user tests. Users liked that they were able to control how close the text was to them and reported that they preferred this way of reading text in VR. After A/B tests of different font sizes and placements, I designed "info cards" with the goal of using as less text as possible but which are still giving enough educational information about the solar sytsem and its planets.

Award Link

Jugend Innovativ

2. place winner

Digital Education


- Project Leader
- Research
- Ingame Interface Design
- Level Design

UI/UX design Virtual Reality